Enrich privacy requests with extra user identifiers from Snowflake
Before You Start
- Make sure you have access to your Snowflake account.
- Request access to the MineOS 'Automations' feature, if you don't already have it.
Setting Up
- Login to your MineOS account and goto Settings -> Automations.
- Select Marketplace and search for "Snowflake DSR Enrichment". Click it and select Configure.
- Skip the initial configuration screen by clicking Next.
- Under the Authentication section fill in all the required fields to access to desired Snowflake account: Private key, Pass phrase, Username, Account Identifier, Account Locator, Identifier URL and Role.
- For help creating a key pair and attaching it to a Snowflake user, follow this article: https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/key-pair-auth
- For help on finding your account identifiers, follow this article: https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/admin-account-identifier
- Under the Enrichment Logic section:
- Select the target identifier type you are enriching. For example: If you are configuring an enrichment flow from email address to phone number, select $phoneNumber
- Set the Warehouse, Database, and schema from which you want to query the identifier.
- Type the SQL Query used to fetch the user's identifier. Note: you should use a positional parameter to represent the user's email address. Example query to lookup phone number by email address:
select C_PHONE from MY_DB.TPCH_SF1.CUSTOMERS where address = ? limit 1;
- Click Finish. You should see a Green checkmark noting the integration has been configured properly.
- Lastly, reach out to your CSM so we can activate the integration for you, and verify its working as expected.
Reconfiguring The Integration
If you want to change any of the settings, go back to the integration and select "Reconfigure". The setup flow will appear allowing you to change any of the existing config fields.