Marketo Do Not Sell V2

Integrate MineOS with Marketo to automate "Do not Sell / Unsubscribe" requests

The Integration flow business Logic :

  1. configuration parameters:
    1. client id
    2. client secret
    3. static list name
  2. Open DSR ticket input:
    1. Lead email.

  3. It then asks a service (Marketo) if there are any leads (potential customers) associated with this email.
  4. If it can't find any leads, it reports that it couldn't find anything and stops there.
  5. If it encounters any other problem while looking for leads, it reports an error and stops there.
  6. If it finds leads, it filters out the ones that have requested not to receive marketing messages.
  7. It then retrieves a list of leads based on the specific list name provided.
  8. It checks if the leads are members of the list. If they are not, it adds them to the list.
  9. It then updates the status of the leads to two lists: a system blocklist and an unsubscribed list.
  10. Finally, it reports that it has completed the task and how many customers have been updated to not receive marketing messages.

Authentication and Setup:

Setting up

To connect the Marketo integration, follow the steps below:

    • Log in to Marketo as a user with administrative privileges
    • To obtain your Client Id and Secret:
      • Create a role that you can apply to the relevant API-Only user. This is done from the Admin > Users & Roles > Roles menu
        Click on the New Role button
        Choose Access API under Permissions
      • After creating a role, you will need to create an API-Only user. Go to the Admin > Users & Roles > Users menu and click on Invite New User. Give your user a descriptive name and email address (it doesn’t need to be valid) and click Next. Choose the API Only Role and Click on the “API Only” checkbox.

        Finally, click “Send” to create the API-Only user.
      • Create a Custom Service to provide the actual credentials. Go to your Admin > LaunchPoint menu, and select New Service.
        Give your service a descriptive name and from the “Service” list select the “Custom”.  Select the API Only User that you created, then press Create.

        This will add a new service to your list of LaunchPoint services, and the option to “View Details”.  Click on “View Details” and you’ll be given the Client Id and Client Secret required for authentication
      • Copy the Client Id and Client Secret and paste in the Mine for Business configuration page
    • To obtain the Endpoint Address go to the Admin > Integration > Web Services menu. Scroll to the "REST API" section and copy the Endpoint value up to "/rest". For example "". Paste the value in the Mine for Business configuration page. 
    • Create a static list
      Go to : Database > New > New Llist

      Than setup your list :
    • Setup the MineOs Integration, make sure you you choose Marketo (Do not Sell) -V2 integration type from the drop down list.

    Do not sell DSR Handling

    Open a new DSR ticket and run the automation.

    In case the email is not defined on Marketo, the integration will not process the request is marked as Success.


    For assistance with integrations, please contact us via our chat or email us at We are pleased to offer our support.