Automating Data Types discovery and your Privacy Requests fulfillment by integrating MineOS to Jira Software Cloud Integration.


This integration allows you to:

  • Automate copy requests for Jira Software Cloud.
  • Automate content classification to detect data types stored in your Jira Software Cloud Users, Customers and Requests.

Setting up instructions:

Before you start

  • Make sure your MineOS plan supports integrations.
  • Make sure you have sufficient permissions to Connect our app to your domain.


Setting up

To connect the Jira Software Cloud integration, follow the steps below:

  1. On the left sidebar, click Data Inventory and then Data Sources
  2. Click on Add data source
  3. Select Jira Cloud Platform/ Jira Project Management from the catalog, then enter the  page from your data sources list
  4. In the RequestHandling tab, check the Handle this data source in privacy requests checkbox and choose the Integration handling style
  5. Click Connect and sign in to your Jira Software Cloud account.
  6. MineOS app will request access with the specified permissions:
    offline_access read:jira-work read:jira-user
    Click Accept.
  7. The "Site Domain" field is required only when your account have access to multiple site domains, and is needed for us to match the domain in the oauth connect process.


Content Discovery

When using Content Discovery for your records data, you need to make sure you have given the Jira Software Cloud account the required permissions to your relevant Users, Customers, and requests.

Upon content discovery, we will scan your data, and analyze each record in our PII Processing Engine. These scan results will be added to the data types of your integration general info.

What's next?

Learn more about how to delete data using integrations by clicking here.

Discover more about the process of getting a copy of your data through integrations by clicking here.

If you need any assistance with Integrations, feel free to reach out to us through our chat or email us at We are here to help!