Auth0 Integration

Automating your privacy requests fulfillment by integrating MineOS to Auth0

This integration allows you to automate delete & copy requests for Auth0

    Before you start

    • Make sure your MineOS plan supports integrations.
    • Make sure you have sufficient permissions to create an api key - Account Admin permissions


    Setting up

    To connect the Auth0 integration, follow the steps below:

    1. On the left sidebar, click Data Inventory and then Data Sources
    2. Click on Add data source
    3. Select Auth0 from the catalog, then enter the Auth0 page from your data sources list
    4. In the RequestHandling tab, check the Handle this data source in privacy requests checkbox and choose the Integration handling style

    5. In your Auth0 Management dashboard you have the default ‘Auth0 Management API’ API:

    6. Go to Applications and create a new Application with type 'Machine to Machine'
    7. Inside the application’s page- go to the 'APIs tab and authorize for ‘Auth0 Management API’
    8. Next, click on the small arrow next to it and select the following scopes and Update:
      1. For enabling Search Users: read:users,
      2. For enabling Delete Users: delete:users 

    1. Copy the API Identifier (also called audience), which can look like
    2. Next, go to the Settings tab and copy your Domain, Client ID and Client Secret.
    3. On MineOS Auth0 integration page under the RequestHandling tab enter your Details:

    4.  Test and save

    What's next?

    Read more about the deletion process using integrations here.

    Read more about the get a copy process using integrations here.

    Talk to us if you need any help with Integrations via our chat or at, and we'll be happy to assist!🙂