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Assessment Module

Build custom LIA, TIA, PIA and other assessments, and streamline management with dynamic fields that mirror your data map.

What are MineOS Assessment templates? 

With the Assessments feature, MineOS acts as a central hub for and a single source of truth about your data that all assessments and questionnaires can connect to, drastically centralizing and simplifying the management of assessments. 

Our Assessments menu enables you to build data privacy compliance and other types of assessments with custom sections, fields and dynamic values that have a live connection to your data map. We also include predefined templates for common assessments like LIA, PIA, TIA  but virtually any assessment can be created and managed in the Assessments menu.

What are the benefits of creating assessments with MineOS? 

1. A live connection to your inventory 

Rather than working in multiple places to keep impact assessments accurate when the data environment changes - for example, when you add a new SaaS tool - assessments with dynamic links to your MineOS data map update themselves in real-time, so you don’t have to.

2. Assessments can be linked to each other

A change in one assessment often requires more changes in other related assessments, and this idea is addressed in MineOS with assessments that can be referenced by others: One assessment can be linked to another for easy referencing and status coordination.

3. Risk suggestions

The end goal of assessments is to identify, evaluate and reduce risks. Mine gives suggestions of risks based on the template type and your answers to assessments, connected to your inventory. For example, if you have any data transfer, sensitive data frameworks or a vendor with low cyber security we will suggest certain risks.


1. Creating and editing templates 

2. Assessment review flow

3. Managing processing activities 

Creating and editing templates 

MineOS recommends to start by creating templates that reflect your current internal processes/assessments, or implement one of the MineOS pre-built templates.


1. To get started, click Templates and then +New Template.

Here you have two options, you can either create a new template from scratch or choose one of our premade templates.

MineOS offers the following types of assessment templates:

- AI : For all of your internal systems that implement AI, this template is relevant for the EU Artificial Intelligence Act's requirements

- PIA: Privacy Impact Assessment which can help your organization identify risks within your tech stack

- DPIA: Data Protection Impact Assessments are necessary under GDPR to identify high risks & help companies outline relevant mitigations 

- LIA: Legitimate Interests Assessment aids in assessing the legitimate interest behind your organization's data processing

- TIA: Transfer Impact Assessment oversees transfer of data from EU to non-EU countries 

2. Once you've chosen a template, being filling out each of the blocks with questions and prompts that will assist you in creating a robust assessment.

Within each template, we encourage you to make note of the following aspects: 

- Question types with predefined blocks: When creating a template MineOS offers predefined blocks that connect to your internal data mapping exercise (data sources, data types, processing activities, employees, etc.) 

- Question types with common questions: If you're interested in creating custom questions that are specific to your organization, you have the ability to do so with our common questions function.


Template Q&A:

Q: Why should I implement a MineOS template type (i.e. PIA, LIA etc)? 

- You can easily sort assessments tables by template type

- MineOS offers suggestions based off of template type such as risks and specific AI systems

- MineOS templates allow you and/or the coworker filling in the assessment more context


Q: Can you edit a template?

Yes, you can always edit a custom made template but editing a template will not edit existing assessments of the same template.

You can, however, add/edit sections of existing assessments.


Q: Can you link assessments? 

Yes, this is a common use case and is highly encouraged!

Example: You can create an internal policy as an assessment and connect it to other privacy assessments in the module


  3. After creating a template, return to the Assessment page and click +New assessment to begin filling out a new assessment for your organization


Assessment Review Flow

In order to make sure that your assessments, documents, and policies are up to date, MineOS has created a reviewer flow to ping the relevant teammate for editing, updating, and confirmation. 

Once you complete an assessment, click Mark as approved

Click Set next review date 

Choose a date and the relevant employee that oversees the system/assessment/document etc.

Once finalized, click Done and a notification will be sent to the owner on due date arrival, you can update the due date & owner after completion


Managing processing activities 

In order to create the most robust and up to date assessments within your organization, we recommend to populate your processing activities.


Talk to us if you need any help with the Assessment Module via our chat or at portal@saymine.com, and we'll be happy to assist!🙂